she's that girl
-Natasha is th name, remember it because you'll be screaming it later.
-I'm a recently escaped fugative from a mental hospital situated in the middle of my nightmares.
-I'm retarded, yes it's true darling.
-I love him like he loves her.
-I have a mental disfunction which leads me to be random 99.9% of the time.
-I am not to make sense to you, unless you make sense to me.
-Dancing, headbanging, screaming and being crazy is what I do baby.
-I consider myself to be extraordinary.
-Originality is what I aim for.
-I have alot of secrets and very few tendencies to share them.
-I smash up chocolate and sniff it to get high.
- If I were to be a crayon, I'd be white. so I'd never be used or broken.
- I'm 100% girly, 0% boy-ish.
-I'm a makeup WHORE.
-I hate fake people, stuff, personalities. heck I hate fake everthing.
-pink! pink! pink!
-I make people laugh to get attention.
-skinny jeans on guys are the ultimate turn-ons.
-when bored, I throw skittles at hobo's and they eat it.
-I hate it when people take my picture without me knowing. eff off okay.
-Russell Alvin is my teddybear. ;D
- SERIA is the sexiest district in brunei.
-Music is my boyfriend, so yeah I'm taken. sorry.
-I come with a warning that states being around me may cause you to rip your hair out, that is if you even have any.
-I scream like a bitch from a horror movie.
-Stalkers make me sick.
-Backtalkers make me famous.
-I sing in the shower.
-Clowns shoul all go jump off a cliff.
-I have an obsession with baking.
-Writing&blogging make the boring days go by faster.
-I may or may not like you, it depends.
- I love my cupcake rudie.
- If you can make me laugh then you're cool and I love you.
-A simple hug can make my day.
-I'm lost without my mobile phone.
-I heart hoodies.
-Peaches are my favourite fruit.
-My face turns red when I laugh.
-In the morining my hair looks like I've just been electrocuted.
-Emo hair is Fucking sexy.
-Unknown bands rock my world.
-I don't trust easily.
-Knowing me is the best thing to ever happen to you.
-Converse is the bomb.
-I dont bite hard.
-Keep talking about me because you're making me famous.
-Hate me if you want, love me if you can.
-Hurt anyoune who means something to me and I'll go nigger on your ass.
-Don't expect me to be the first to say sorry in an arguement.
-I have fats, poke me and I'll slap you.
-I eat crayons just for fun, trying to taste the rainbow here.
-I'm a wishful thinked with the worst intentions.
-I hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
-AND I want to do more than just exist<3
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