Friday, March 21, 2008 11:29 AM
Bloody hell american idols david is soooo hot and man he better win man hahahahah
Thursday, March 13, 2008 10:32 AM
jeeze sorry to my beloved readers hahah i cudnt get on cuz i accidentally made my blog for readers only hahaha sorry and to those who thought i was gon haha im back so ima post lots of new info yea keep updating on my blog and please leave comments thanks loads of love from natashadarling
Unbreakable best friend rules.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008 3:43 PM
1. Never use the secrets she's told you to get back her.
2. Even if your friends annoying you, try to avoid dissing her to them.
3. don't ever allow a guy to come between you- thats always a massive mistake.
4. If you have plans stick to them. dont keep letting her down at the last minute.
5. If she needs to moan about hes ex, let her- especially if you've gone on about yours many times before.
6. If g=her outfit looks awful, or she's into a bad lad, be honest. but be tactful, too.
7. don't be scared to tell her how much you appriciate her friendship
8. be loyal. don't ditch her to cause the popular crowd asks you to hang with them.
9. Be polite to her parents.
10. Crushing on her bro?- be careful- she may feel uncomfy and wierd about the idea of you dating him.
11. Remember new friends come and go, but true friends stick around forever.
12. Focus on the good times- take loads of pics to help you remember.
13. Compromise- you can't always get your own way and neither can she.
14. Take up a cool hobby together- it'll help you to bond even more.
love???? what the hell is that exactly?????
3:22 PM
love? what is love exactly?????? have youi ever questioned yourself about it??? Is love just huggs and kisses??? or more??? personally i think having a bf/gf is a really big step its a big commitment. faithfulness and trust are involved of course. having a bf/gf jus to be popular and fit in is just wrong its against all laws of love... and i know what you're thinking, what would a girl like me know??? i haven't even been in a relationship and yet i know alot about it. most of my friends say im the nost romantic girl they've ever met.. and they ask me "nats why dont you have a bf you'd make a really great gf" is that true?? i ask myself, i spend about 90% of the time dreaming about that and about 10% on studies abd regular every day life. PDA is such a normal thing??!! but why are all my friends afraid of it??? if you are in love, PROVE IT!!! i spend alot of my time trying to force my fellow friends to hugg, kiss and spend time with each other. sure i understand you wanna do that in private but would it hurt to hugg a little in public??? hold hands??? would that seriously hurt you??? no!... you tell me that you dont miss each other, but i know that deep inside you do and i mean you REALLY has its ups and downs, worthless little fights which will be over in seconds because you can't stand to be mad at each other. true. so how much do you understand the concept of love?? not that much im guessing. you know im always here if you ever need to talk ayts im out..lalalavs from natasha darling
uhmmmm hahah
3:15 PM
todays pretty boring man hahahahahah stayed back and am now using ateh leahs computer haha well,
so i guess todays pretty normal i mean i had school just like any other normel day rytt???? damit exams are next week and im sooo stressed yikes anyways cya laters
Being healthy for 2008.
1:56 PM
1. Nibble on almonds. Delicious, plus they're a 'superfood' full of amazing stuff.
2. Drink six to eight glasses of water a day. It'll flush the baddies away.
3. Try getting at least eight hours of sleep a night. You'll have bags of energy!
4. Smile! It seems hard when you're not in the mood, but you'll feel full of life instantly!
5. Clear your mind by taking 30 minutes a day to kick back and relax.
6. Walk to the shops rather than taking the bus. So easy yet so good for you!
7. Graze on carrot sticks and raisins in the day to help fight those crisp cravings.
8. Munch an apple everyday. They contain bucketloads of vitamin c.
9. Take up a new sport.
10. Cut back on coffee and cola which are full of health-bashing caffeine and chemicals that give your body a hard time.
11. A bit of chocolate now and then will lift your spirits.
12. Never skip your breakfast or you'll upset your internal system.
13. Breathe deeply, in and out for a few mins to help you deal better with stressy situations.
Okay so more advice on natashas blog coming soon. XD
the best day ever x)
Monday, March 3, 2008 8:48 PM
Sunday, 2nd March.
Blogiee, I miss you. haha, stupid Opera Mini wont fucking let me onto my blog x(
jeez man. anyways, today, as usual, Sunday class.
went there early at like 12.30-12.45pm =) no one was there because they were at Pasar, they came bac at like one something, and they were Kuya ChanChan x) Kuya Kimm =) and Ate Leah =) lalav them x) I got a 'hey' from kuya Chanchan and Kuya Kimm and a hugg and kiss from Ate Leah =) me likey xp. and for those of you who know who i like its our secret, so shutup. haha jokes.
anyways, after class we had stations at the cross followed by the snacks and oddly Chelsea kept poking my fats. STOP =) haha. i so go ballistic when i get poked. and after snacks we had a talk in the Church x) i sat next to Nicooo and Ate Kayz with the lovebirds next to Ate Kayz. today was THE BEST DAY EVER cus,, well you know x)
for those who dont x) tough luck, i dont trust you enough to tell you.
i lalalavvv youhs =) im out
-Natasha Darling.
What award would your love life win?
8:43 PM
You dont need a trophy to prove your love, but think how cool it would be
1. How long have you and your boyfieee known each other?
a:A few months
b:A year or so, but it feels like we've known each other forever.
c:We grew up together, so we've always been in each others life.
2. When it comes to public displays of affection, you two are;
a: very much into it.
b: like to hug and kiss occasionaly.
c: not having to paw each other to prove anything.
3. Tell the truth: have you ever imagined yourself marrying him?
a: whoa! You're kidding, right? Thats too serious-we're just having fun.
b: once or twice. It's fun to fantasize.
c: imagined? Please! Everyone kmows we'll be together forever.
4. For valentine' day you expect him to give you nothing less than;
a: flowers and maybe a burned CD- the usual v-day stuff.
b: tickets to the movie you've been dying to see.
c: i have no expectations. He always surprises me with something great!
5. Your feelings for him are best summed up by the song title;
a: 'crazy' by gnarls barkley.
b: 'L.O.V.E' by ashlee simpson.
c: 'stickwitu' by the pussycat dolls.
-you two are in tune. Its too soon to tell if hes got what it takes. But one things for sure: for now, you make sweet music together.
-Remember how you felt the real-life love between rachel mcadams and ryan gosling in the notebook, even onscreen? Thats like your leading man: the chemistry is undeniable. You have the usual up's and downs. But no amount of drama can keep you from ending up happily ever after.
- you're in this relatio nship to win it! You've known your guy for years. And together your are committed to keeping the momentum going. Even if it sometimes takes a little sweat and tears, the drive you feel about your relationship proves you're in it for the long run.
Saturday, 1st March 2008.
8:35 PM
okay, school was boring x( moving on, today was a meeting for the youth leaders.i went there at 2pm, early right =)anyways, once i got there me, Nathalie and Ria went to Pasar got something and then went to sit under the tree,where we started to talk about KCLS =) haha.. uhmm i miss him :( haha,uhh then after we talked i went online x) Kuya chanchan was online... so i went ot chat with him and asked him why he isnt coming to the meeting.but he dindt know so i told him to come x) but then he said he was tired and didnt want to come aww, wawa naman kuya =)but in the end Kuya Chanchan did come and i got to poke him. haha, and push him into the rain =) haha, funfun. yay, im finally starting to Kua Channess in public now =) iloveit. much love kuya =) take care of Ate as i know you always do x) -out- NatashaDarling.p.s. ells here x) HAHA. yeah, im posing her blogs for her since her OperaMini on her phone is all shitty. yeah, if she doesnt like respond to your CBOX messages, then it means she hasnt been online yet yes? loveloves.
5 signs your guy friend is into you.
4:18 PM
①.HE DOES TIME-COSUMING AND/OR DIFFICULT FAVORS FOR YOU. (basically he doesn't care what he has to do as long as it means getting to be near you.)
②.HE LETS YOU KNOW ITS NEVER TOO LATE TO TALK. (You could call him at 4.a.m. And he'd say, 'yup im up! Whats going on?' and then he'd patiently listen while you ramble on about how you're so stressed you can't sleep. Face it-if he saw you as total platonic, there's no way he'd answer the phone at that hour. But he sees its you and picks it right up.)
③.HE TRIES TO GET IN GOOD WITH YOUR FRIENDS. (By being nice to your friends hes trying to become a part of your everyday world. Its a well-thought-out stratgey.:his goal is to eventually get your friends to say, "hes such a great guy, you should go out with him before some other girl snatches him up!"
④.HE NEVER SEEMS TO LIKE ANY GUY YOU LIKE. (If you happen to bring up another guy you have a crush on, he'll almost always say, "you deserve better." what he really means is: "um, hello? I'm totally better for you than that guy is."
⑤.HE SHOWS HIS VULNERABLE SIDE. (If you're hanging out with a guy friend and he's spilling all his hopes and fears, you can bet he sees you as more than a buddy.)
Depression *sigh*
3:14 PM
It's normal to feel down in the dumps occasionally--that's just life! But if you wake up feeling sad everyday for weeks or longer, you could be depressed. Depression can be triggered by stuff like the stress of exams or breaking up with someone,or it may be the result of a chemical imbalance in the brain. To see if what you're experiencing is normal sadness or depression, answer the questions below.
Tick the box for each statement you've been feeling.
□''i've had a change in appetite that has made me gain or lose a lot of weight.''
□''i've had serious changes in my sleep patterns; i either cant sleep or i sleep as often as i can.''
□''I don't feel like doing things i use to love, like playing sports or even just hanging out with my friends.''
□''i constantly feel hopeless or worthless.''
□''i've been thinking about death and/or suicide.''
If you answered yes to any of the statements....approach someone you trust, and share what you've been going through with them, sharing feelings with a trusted friend does actually help you move on and let go of it.